Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
a film by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn
A resource list put together by the Rochester Area Vegan Society:
What if the single most powerful thing you could do to address global warming and protect the environment were something you could decide to do overnight, without any upfront investment, special knowledge, or reliance on other people help, cooperation or permission?
What if this decision, at the same time that it helped to save the planet, resulted in incalculable benefits to your own health and the well-being of the creatures we share the planet with?
For more information on the environmental impact of agriculture:
Livestock Long ShadowUnited Nations Report, 2006):
Livestock and Climate ChangeWorldwatch Institute, 2009)
UN Urges Global Move to Meat and Dairy-Free DietUN Environment Program, 2010; reported in The Guardian)
The Impact of Animal Agriculture on Global Warming and Climate Change Humane Society International, 2014)
Can’t I just choose sustainable (or happy or compassionate or
humane meat? For more information visit:
Humane Myth http://www.humanemyth.org
Humane Facts http://www.humanefacts.org
But is a vegan diet healthy for me? Can I get everything I need on it?
Vegan Health http://www.veganhealth.org
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Nutrition Facts http://nutritionfacts.org
But I don’t know how to cook vegan meals. Cooking and eating vegan is the best part of this decision! Here are just a few of the many sites.
Choose Veg http://www.chooseveg.com
Free Easy Vegan Recipes http://www.free-easy-vegan-recipes.com
How to Go Vegan http://features.peta.org/how-to-go-vegan/
Oh She Glows http://ohsheglows.com
Plant Powered Kitchen http://plantpoweredkitchen.com
Post Punk Kitchen http://www.theppk.com
Try Veg http://tryveg.com
Vegan Chef http://www.veganchef.com
Vegan Cooking http://www.vegancooking.com
Vegan Crew http://www.thevegancrew.com
Vegan Recipes http://www.nutritionmd.org/recipes/all.html
Vegan Recipes http://www.peta.org/recipes/
VegWeb http://www.vegweb.com
Zsu’s Vegan Pantry http://www.zsusveganpantry.com